5541 rank

2,091,945 points

1,853 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Uceria 6902 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 5,691,672 28,584
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Zorskog 7611 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 2,382,693 1,992
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Birka 5541 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 2,091,945 1,853
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Xyr 10308 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 1,370,450 1,539
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Dilmun 3213 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 1,002,517 951
DVWard    Quiet and Peaceful
Dunarsund 13073 DVWard Quiet and Peaceful 610,231 756