1441 rank

67,363,572 points

9,381 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pascou    Qinted the horrid
Birka 1441 Pascou Qinted the horrid 67,363,572 9,381
Pascou    The 1
Cirgard 12998 Pascou The 1 525,550 345
Pascou    Nonexistent
Zorskog 14278 Pascou Nonexistent 111,447 120
Pascou    Sverd the bad
Korch 15784 Pascou Sverd the bad 95,222 75
Pascou    Leónidas king
Carthage 10505 Pascou Leónidas king 77,997 76
Pascou    Solomon gild
Parkog 15969 Pascou Solomon gild 55,579 63