9420 rank

273,948 points

170 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shiverless    Great Guild
Cirgard 9705 shiverless Great Guild 2,035,509 1,331
shiverless    PDF
Langendorn 11631 shiverless PDF 545,141 334
shiverless    FORGE ON
Carthage 6137 shiverless FORGE ON 444,963 239
shiverless    Emerald Isles
Birka 9420 shiverless Emerald Isles 273,948 170
Brisgard 16607 shiverless 252,334 121
shiverless    Pixel Adventures
Parkog 14015 shiverless Pixel Adventures 168,765 106
shiverless    Ruins of Time
Vingrid 15055 shiverless Ruins of Time 132,860 63
Dunarsund 17420 shiverless 125,488 60