7745 rank

679,132 points

497 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
W7hive3to    the greatest Empire
Tuulech 8564 W7hive3to the greatest Empire 1,831,386 747
Angkor 9022 W7hive3to 1,178,807 356
W7hive3to    eggrolz
Parkog 10454 W7hive3to eggrolz 701,623 408
W7hive3to    Casual Play!
Birka 7745 W7hive3to Casual Play! 679,132 497
W7hive3to    Happy Campers
Sinerania 11745 W7hive3to Happy Campers 390,341 298
W7hive3to    for the newbies :)
Yorkton 12850 W7hive3to for the newbies :) 287,324 244
Jaims 18190 W7hive3to 33,542 66
Brisgard 22670 W7hive3to 23,156 27