3465 rank

9,864,773 points

2,197 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Quietus 1239 the Great    Bunzi's Band
Vingrid 5122 Quietus 1239 the Great Bunzi's Band 13,511,507 2,875
Quietus 1239 the Great    TYLER
Mount Killmore 5979 Quietus 1239 the Great TYLER 13,218,130 2,719
Quietus 1239 the Great    hnahthial
Odhrorvar 5389 Quietus 1239 the Great hnahthial 12,179,083 2,558
Quietus 1239 the Great    Bunzi's Band
Xyr 5704 Quietus 1239 the Great Bunzi's Band 11,288,090 2,457
Quietus 1239 the Great    fun
Birka 3465 Quietus 1239 the Great fun 9,864,773 2,197
Quietus 1239 the Great    Cool People
Yorkton 5427 Quietus 1239 the Great Cool People 9,813,056 2,063
Quietus 1239 the Great    bobbo
Carthage 2253 Quietus 1239 the Great bobbo 9,548,784 1,686
Quietus 1239 the Great    aaron
Walstrand 5534 Quietus 1239 the Great aaron 9,343,680 1,961
Quietus 1239 the Great    zorro
Rugnir 6168 Quietus 1239 the Great zorro 7,861,564 1,407
Quietus 1239 the Great    Popeye thr Cat
Uceria 6460 Quietus 1239 the Great Popeye thr Cat 7,383,491 1,269
Quietus 1239 the Great    Bergar Keen
Brisgard 8610 Quietus 1239 the Great Bergar Keen 5,215,426 1,011
Quietus 1239 the Great    Olive Oil
Houndsmoor 8039 Quietus 1239 the Great Olive Oil 5,015,739 943
Quietus 1239 the Great    DTC
Zorskog 6726 Quietus 1239 the Great DTC 4,284,929 743
Quietus 1239 the Great    gin gus
Greifental 7960 Quietus 1239 the Great gin gus 4,113,313 752
Quietus 1239 the Great    CATMAN
Korch 8326 Quietus 1239 the Great CATMAN 2,978,093 650