1537 rank

59,957,198 points

18,249 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    War Dogs
Uceria 2867 Marcus 1202 the Bloody War Dogs 60,896,956 18,204
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    Infinity
Birka 1537 Marcus 1202 the Bloody Infinity 59,957,198 18,249
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    💧 Moist 💧
Mount Killmore 3275 Marcus 1202 the Bloody 💧 Moist 💧 58,462,269 18,069
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    The Fat Spartans
Dunarsund 3505 Marcus 1202 the Bloody The Fat Spartans 55,282,381 15,977
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    Hairy's Hammers
Noarsil 3194 Marcus 1202 the Bloody Hairy's Hammers 51,770,793 12,811