1463 rank

68,536,577 points

22,314 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    War Dogs
Uceria 2744 Marcus 1202 the Bloody War Dogs 69,332,956 22,157
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    Infinity
Birka 1463 Marcus 1202 the Bloody Infinity 68,536,577 22,314
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    💧 Moist 💧
Mount Killmore 3098 Marcus 1202 the Bloody 💧 Moist 💧 67,049,116 22,294
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    The Fat Spartans
Dunarsund 3359 Marcus 1202 the Bloody The Fat Spartans 62,049,019 18,640
Marcus 1202 the Bloody    Hairy's Hammers
Noarsil 3078 Marcus 1202 the Bloody Hairy's Hammers 58,029,585 15,452