2252 rank

26,348,534 points

12,052 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Henry the Thunder    Solomon Grundy
Carthage 6 Henry the Thunder Solomon Grundy 1,965,846,058 408,214
Henry the Thunder    Thunderbirds
Cirgard 4089 Henry the Thunder Thunderbirds 32,331,079 15,274
Henry the Thunder    Thunder Dogs
Birka 2252 Henry the Thunder Thunder Dogs 26,348,534 12,052
Henry the Thunder    Diamonds inthe Rough
Greifental 9532 Henry the Thunder Diamonds inthe Rough 1,743,099 2,632
Henry the Thunder    Diamonds inthe Rough
Sinerania 9083 Henry the Thunder Diamonds inthe Rough 1,437,597 2,504
Henry the Thunder    Diamonds inthe Rough
Arvahall 15113 Henry the Thunder Diamonds inthe Rough 654,345 1,694