7947 rank

602,605 points

354 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Frezen the Forward    Slaystation
Greifental 898 Frezen the Forward Slaystation 372,724,366 99,866
Frezen the Forward    Mad Queens
Qunrir 2612 Frezen the Forward Mad Queens 75,218,513 43,045
Frezen the Forward    Highlanders
Cirgard 3840 Frezen the Forward Highlanders 40,670,387 21,362
Frezen the Forward    RaccoonGoat Alliance
Dilmun 930 Frezen the Forward RaccoonGoat Alliance 36,025,895 21,574
Frezen the Forward    🌭 Free Traders 👙
Jaims 4463 Frezen the Forward 🌭 Free Traders 👙 24,369,908 11,613
Frezen the Forward    The Swamp
Houndsmoor 5142 Frezen the Forward The Swamp 20,988,543 5,304
Frezen the Forward    War&Peace
Arvahall 7967 Frezen the Forward War&Peace 10,583,399 2,997
Frezen the Forward    StormRidersofDestiny
Brisgard 7508 Frezen the Forward StormRidersofDestiny 9,104,167 2,552
Frezen the Forward    Jorrvaskr
Uceria 6468 Frezen the Forward Jorrvaskr 7,935,440 2,856
Frezen the Forward    SyFy Warriors
Dunarsund 8667 Frezen the Forward SyFy Warriors 4,380,746 1,464
Frezen the Forward    Deadites United!
Mount Killmore 9217 Frezen the Forward Deadites United! 3,272,143 574
Frezen the Forward    Road to Tomorrow
Korch 8610 Frezen the Forward Road to Tomorrow 2,635,074 1,433
Frezen the Forward    The Ærie 🦅
East-Nagach 9348 Frezen the Forward The Ærie 🦅 2,607,151 1,692
Frezen the Forward    The Anvil
Angkor 7625 Frezen the Forward The Anvil 2,507,911 650
Frezen the Forward    Galaxy Quest
Fel Dranghyr 10640 Frezen the Forward Galaxy Quest 1,098,569 1,028
Frezen the Forward    Evermore
Sinerania 9848 Frezen the Forward Evermore 970,921 1,077
Frezen the Forward    Braveheart
Odhrorvar 10039 Frezen the Forward Braveheart 891,578 478
Frezen the Forward    Phoenix 7
Langendorn 10579 Frezen the Forward Phoenix 7 815,130 465
Frezen the Forward    ⚔ VICTORY Garden ☕
Tuulech 10068 Frezen the Forward ⚔ VICTORY Garden ☕ 798,052 1,161
Frezen the Forward    Hi there!
Zorskog 10216 Frezen the Forward Hi there! 702,552 531
Frezen the Forward    Third Bad Monkey
Parkog 10578 Frezen the Forward Third Bad Monkey 663,611 662
Frezen the Forward    🧟‍♀️Zombies Realm
Xyr 12103 Frezen the Forward 🧟‍♀️Zombies Realm 632,277 468
Frezen the Forward    Alpha & Omega
Noarsil 10900 Frezen the Forward Alpha & Omega 620,259 302
Frezen the Forward    GR Diamonds
Birka 7947 Frezen the Forward GR Diamonds 602,605 354
Frezen the Forward    Warrior Sloths
Carthage 6624 Frezen the Forward Warrior Sloths 506,508 625
Frezen the Forward    Firestorm Burned
Rugnir 11444 Frezen the Forward Firestorm Burned 493,435 343
Frezen the Forward   
Vingrid 12199 Frezen the Forward 376,508 281
Frezen the Forward    ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸
Walstrand 11978 Frezen the Forward ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸 294,606 196
Frezen the Forward    Savant Savages
Yorkton 13038 Frezen the Forward Savant Savages 267,128 312