1919 rank

36,513,198 points

20,545 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Duke 57    the experiment II
Birka 1919 The Duke 57 the experiment II 36,513,198 20,545
The Duke 57    The Experiment
Carthage 1237 The Duke 57 The Experiment 33,078,873 23,222
The Duke 57    The Experiment III
Parkog 3976 The Duke 57 The Experiment III 27,168,095 18,089
The Duke 57    Civilization!
Greifental 5408 The Duke 57 Civilization! 15,698,941 14,526
The Duke 57    Fair and Kind
Fel Dranghyr 13404 The Duke 57 Fair and Kind 345,577 807