10557 rank

157,455 points

149 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
beertaxi    Metropolis
Qunrir 13991 beertaxi Metropolis 185,975 195
beertaxi    Thunder
Birka 10557 beertaxi Thunder 157,455 149
beertaxi    Pat the Hawk
Yorkton 14815 beertaxi Pat the Hawk 154,283 150
beertaxi    zzz
Odhrorvar 14821 beertaxi zzz 118,244 113
beertaxi    🐺Ghost Wolves🐺
Dilmun 6935 beertaxi 🐺Ghost Wolves🐺 48,206 50
beertaxi    Lazy Players
Walstrand 17652 beertaxi Lazy Players 34,562 97