12553 rank

58,739 points

134 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dads0nThePhone    armadia new
Houndsmoor 13339 Dads0nThePhone armadia new 465,145 627
Carthage 9725 Dads0nThePhone 92,265 125
Dads0nThePhone    Knights of Nee
Brisgard 19589 Dads0nThePhone Knights of Nee 78,006 134
Dads0nThePhone    Alchemist
Dunarsund 18343 Dads0nThePhone Alchemist 74,128 84
Dads0nThePhone    Other Worlds
Birka 12553 Dads0nThePhone Other Worlds 58,739 134
Dads0nThePhone    DarkSideOfTheMoon
East-Nagach 18133 Dads0nThePhone DarkSideOfTheMoon 58,190 87
Dads0nThePhone    {--Invincibles--}
Walstrand 17631 Dads0nThePhone {--Invincibles--} 25,820 54