2033 rank

32,600,762 points

30,096 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
FamedDaxus    Elevate
Tuulech 879 FamedDaxus Elevate 298,828,702 144,353
FamedDaxus    Willow Grove
Greifental 2435 FamedDaxus Willow Grove 86,790,873 56,336
FamedDaxus    Bar's VIP Lounge
Brisgard 2971 FamedDaxus Bar's VIP Lounge 71,797,230 27,314
Birka 2033 FamedDaxus 32,600,762 30,096
FamedDaxus    Swords of Light
Dilmun 1023 FamedDaxus Swords of Light 25,626,379 26,468