4349 rank

2,077,615 points

158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lyla of the Shire    THE ARC FORCE
East-Nagach 123 Lyla of the Shire THE ARC FORCE 1,895,047,339 469,921
Lyla of the Shire    Casual Play
Arvahall 11011 Lyla of the Shire Casual Play 2,976,094 1,945
Lyla of the Shire   
Carthage 4349 Lyla of the Shire 2,077,615 158
Lyla of the Shire    Phantoms
Birka 6221 Lyla of the Shire Phantoms 1,658,541 1,101
Lyla of the Shire    Solitaire
Yorkton 9470 Lyla of the Shire Solitaire 1,257,579 1,371
Lyla of the Shire    Bowling Alone
Fel Dranghyr 13444 Lyla of the Shire Bowling Alone 322,778 441