945 rank

30,446,359 points

18,739 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
EL-LOBO    🐺 Wolfpack
Fel Dranghyr 4 EL-LOBO 🐺 Wolfpack 4,980,728,541 1,651,590
Carthage 945 EL-LOBO 30,446,359 18,739
Arvahall 19499 EL-LOBO NO RULEZ 176,150 238
EL-LOBO    Thieves Guild
Greifental 15156 EL-LOBO Thieves Guild 161,376 91
EL-LOBO    the rebelion
Cirgard 17468 EL-LOBO the rebelion 116,218 125
EL-LOBO    Citadel
East-Nagach 18117 EL-LOBO Citadel 73,532 93
EL-LOBO    The Expedition
Brisgard 20351 EL-LOBO The Expedition 70,057 132
EL-LOBO    Beautiful Boos
Dunarsund 19304 EL-LOBO Beautiful Boos 63,565 114
EL-LOBO    NoRules
Yorkton 17712 EL-LOBO NoRules 52,259 270
EL-LOBO    The Coven
Houndsmoor 19802 EL-LOBO The Coven 48,798 143
Walstrand 16965 EL-LOBO 45,478 104
EL-LOBO    Relaxation
Birka 15223 EL-LOBO Relaxation 21,233 195