313 rank

220,458,341 points

193,094 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WileECoyote3    Gone Bananas!!
Yorkton 517 WileECoyote3 Gone Bananas!! 591,016,269 284,835
WileECoyote3    Forge2Glory III
Arvahall 824 WileECoyote3 Forge2Glory III 553,040,666 277,272
WileECoyote3    Legion of Wolves
Carthage 313 WileECoyote3 Legion of Wolves 220,458,341 193,094
WileECoyote3    Only4Diamonds
Langendorn 4252 WileECoyote3 Only4Diamonds 27,835,623 30,724