964 rank

58,196,243 points

70,595 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gaius 586 the Spider   
Cirgard 1901 Gaius 586 the Spider 152,418,210 79,429
Gaius 586 the Spider   
Arvahall 3618 Gaius 586 the Spider 72,821,389 50,564
Gaius 586 the Spider    Legion of Wolves
Carthage 964 Gaius 586 the Spider Legion of Wolves 58,196,243 70,595
Gaius 586 the Spider   
Brisgard 4414 Gaius 586 the Spider 37,209,190 43,163
Gaius 586 the Spider   
Sinerania 4405 Gaius 586 the Spider 22,639,909 17,776