1061 rank

48,226,043 points

125,683 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dave_the_scallywag    Wanderers
Rugnir 602 dave_the_scallywag Wanderers 522,377,982 103,541
dave_the_scallywag    Me, Myself and I
Cirgard 818 dave_the_scallywag Me, Myself and I 450,036,838 73,760
dave_the_scallywag    The Wanderers
Arvahall 1768 dave_the_scallywag The Wanderers 214,238,851 37,433
Brisgard 1677 dave_the_scallywag 185,664,718 27,716
dave_the_scallywag    The Wanderers
Carthage 1061 dave_the_scallywag The Wanderers 48,226,043 125,683