1530 rank

22,343,183 points

3,798 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ozz30    Rock Army
Dunarsund 1355 ozz30 Rock Army 224,109,445 18,120
ozz30    🔰 KRAKEN 🔰
East-Nagach 1896 ozz30 🔰 KRAKEN 🔰 142,956,972 11,926
ozz30    Back to the Future
Walstrand 2325 ozz30 Back to the Future 70,338,097 8,444
ozz30    Merchant's Guild
Xyr 2425 ozz30 Merchant's Guild 66,985,756 8,316
ozz30    The Resort
Angkor 1988 ozz30 The Resort 66,394,834 7,414
ozz30    🌊Just Relaxing🌊
Yorkton 2363 ozz30 🌊Just Relaxing🌊 64,128,017 7,149
ozz30    Giamond Diep 🇺🇦
Odhrorvar 3339 ozz30 Giamond Diep 🇺🇦 41,514,171 5,728
ozz30    The 2600
Carthage 1530 ozz30 The 2600 22,343,183 3,798
ozz30    Thin Blue Line
Greifental 4818 ozz30 Thin Blue Line 20,933,960 3,581
ozz30    knights of old
Houndsmoor 5184 ozz30 knights of old 19,263,203 3,439
ozz30    Moonsofpluto
Jaims 5035 ozz30 Moonsofpluto 16,840,044 3,435
ozz30    The Kingsguard
Brisgard 5891 ozz30 The Kingsguard 16,393,387 2,182
ozz30    Fun Guild
Zorskog 4502 ozz30 Fun Guild 14,157,144 2,955
ozz30    Galaxy Guardians
Cirgard 6318 ozz30 Galaxy Guardians 10,811,827 2,349