9238 rank

142,819 points

717 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Xyr 1651 Ishmael the Mysterious 132,292,244 19,279
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Qunrir 3550 Ishmael the Mysterious 41,321,424 13,570
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Zorskog 3427 Ishmael the Mysterious 29,465,900 9,302
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Dunarsund 4755 Ishmael the Mysterious 27,760,714 6,845
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Yorkton 6000 Ishmael the Mysterious 8,477,448 2,818
Ishmael the Mysterious   
Carthage 9238 Ishmael the Mysterious 142,819 717