2386 rank

12,331,148 points

6,763 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Samson the bonehead    Phoenix Freaks
Zorskog 750 Samson the bonehead Phoenix Freaks 299,589,269 42,326
Samson the bonehead    Dragons of Birka
Birka 774 Samson the bonehead Dragons of Birka 170,256,754 51,576
Samson the bonehead    oBLiViOn
Angkor 2389 Samson the bonehead oBLiViOn 54,796,747 20,923
Samson the bonehead    Rampage
Korch 3395 Samson the bonehead Rampage 52,137,612 24,064
Samson the bonehead    Blabla
Xyr 3395 Samson the bonehead Blabla 42,114,041 12,021
Samson the bonehead    Me and my shadow
Vingrid 3661 Samson the bonehead Me and my shadow 37,038,630 13,444
Samson the bonehead    Bla bla
Odhrorvar 3939 Samson the bonehead Bla bla 32,419,689 14,528
Samson the bonehead    House of the Dragon
Carthage 2386 Samson the bonehead House of the Dragon 12,331,148 6,763