4003 rank

2,599,713 points

874 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arvahall 8624 borthwick 7,753,487 1,612
borthwick    Ladyhawke
Langendorn 6589 borthwick Ladyhawke 7,346,413 1,557
borthwick    Leonidas Reigns
Cirgard 7328 borthwick Leonidas Reigns 6,886,394 1,184
borthwick    to be or not to be
Carthage 4003 borthwick to be or not to be 2,599,713 874
borthwick    Elky
Brisgard 17740 borthwick Elky 151,234 240
borthwick    Lantian Kindred
Greifental 14883 borthwick Lantian Kindred 146,887 239