716 rank

76,763,903 points

26,721 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Birka 260 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 538,612,016 115,241
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Xyr 1697 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 125,660,615 29,583
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Uceria 1898 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 123,579,618 29,196
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Carthage 716 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 76,763,903 26,721