9489 rank

76,648 points

154 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Frank the Just Commoner   
Noarsil 11822 Frank the Just Commoner 460,666 565
Frank the Just Commoner    Levelers
Odhrorvar 12170 Frank the Just Commoner Levelers 363,759 424
Frank the Just Commoner    The Levelers
Houndsmoor 14570 Frank the Just Commoner The Levelers 315,870 334
Frank the Just Commoner    The rebelion
Angkor 12616 Frank the Just Commoner The rebelion 252,465 315
Frank the Just Commoner   
Yorkton 13624 Frank the Just Commoner 234,410 285
Frank the Just Commoner   
Arvahall 19394 Frank the Just Commoner 180,258 169
Frank the Just Commoner   
Fel Dranghyr 15324 Frank the Just Commoner 177,940 204
Frank the Just Commoner   
Korch 15362 Frank the Just Commoner 142,751 173
Frank the Just Commoner   
Qunrir 15043 Frank the Just Commoner 116,981 170
Frank the Just Commoner   
Zorskog 14612 Frank the Just Commoner 113,713 131
Frank the Just Commoner   
Langendorn 15259 Frank the Just Commoner 113,457 154
Frank the Just Commoner   
Carthage 9489 Frank the Just Commoner 76,648 154
Frank the Just Commoner   
Dilmun 6590 Frank the Just Commoner 65,849 121
Frank the Just Commoner   
Vingrid 16734 Frank the Just Commoner 64,542 127
Frank the Just Commoner   
Mount Killmore 20239 Frank the Just Commoner 58,349 116
Frank the Just Commoner   
Brisgard 20912 Frank the Just Commoner 55,449 109
Frank the Just Commoner   
Parkog 16661 Frank the Just Commoner 54,847 94
Frank the Just Commoner    Virtuous
Xyr 19559 Frank the Just Commoner Virtuous 47,709 117
Frank the Just Commoner   
Walstrand 17273 Frank the Just Commoner 38,295 127
Frank the Just Commoner   
Cirgard 21618 Frank the Just Commoner 24,074 47
Frank the Just Commoner   
Sinerania 18887 Frank the Just Commoner 23,261 74
Frank the Just Commoner   
Jaims 19974 Frank the Just Commoner 22,716 83