2 rank

3,889,053,695 points

578,283 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Neutral Fool    Tartaros
Carthage 2 Neutral Fool Tartaros 3,889,053,695 578,283
Neutral Fool    Zero
Dunarsund 682 Neutral Fool Zero 516,953,841 158,061
Neutral Fool   
Uceria 2463 Neutral Fool 80,698,329 1,429
Neutral Fool   
Rugnir 2444 Neutral Fool 80,453,245 1,386
Neutral Fool    Free Trading
Sinerania 2399 Neutral Fool Free Trading 80,391,447 1,393
Neutral Fool    Screaming Eagles
Fel Dranghyr 2744 Neutral Fool Screaming Eagles 79,349,126 1,489
Neutral Fool    m,e and he
Arvahall 3375 Neutral Fool m,e and he 79,045,562 1,864
Neutral Fool   
Vingrid 2467 Neutral Fool 78,793,445 1,683
Neutral Fool    guild
Cirgard 2705 Neutral Fool guild 78,415,737 1,518
Neutral Fool    The Alliance
Noarsil 2615 Neutral Fool The Alliance 78,334,553 1,452
Neutral Fool    Ghost Adventure Crew
Mount Killmore 2759 Neutral Fool Ghost Adventure Crew 78,310,297 1,457
Neutral Fool    Free 4 all
Korch 2713 Neutral Fool Free 4 all 78,249,173 1,394
Neutral Fool    Farmer's Guild
Greifental 2723 Neutral Fool Farmer's Guild 78,137,579 1,460
Neutral Fool    IRISH GUARD
Parkog 2439 Neutral Fool IRISH GUARD 77,812,620 1,450
Neutral Fool   
Tuulech 2430 Neutral Fool 77,671,211 1,475
Neutral Fool    The unwanted ones
Houndsmoor 2811 Neutral Fool The unwanted ones 77,544,302 1,526
Neutral Fool   
Qunrir 2577 Neutral Fool 77,346,525 1,501
Neutral Fool   
Jaims 2611 Neutral Fool 77,246,945 1,636
Neutral Fool    Makers
Brisgard 3001 Neutral Fool Makers 77,135,052 1,609
Neutral Fool    Working Together
Xyr 2359 Neutral Fool Working Together 76,982,714 2,050
Neutral Fool    Liberty Guild
East-Nagach 2920 Neutral Fool Liberty Guild 76,967,102 1,549
Neutral Fool   
Langendorn 2604 Neutral Fool 76,862,166 1,492
Neutral Fool    guild 1
Odhrorvar 2568 Neutral Fool guild 1 76,260,953 1,495
Neutral Fool    Black knights
Zorskog 2057 Neutral Fool Black knights 76,086,554 2,032
Neutral Fool    guildy
Angkor 1962 Neutral Fool guildy 75,329,892 2,216
Neutral Fool   
Walstrand 2389 Neutral Fool 74,515,229 2,109
Neutral Fool    ROAMRAGE
Yorkton 2320 Neutral Fool ROAMRAGE 74,083,341 2,069
Neutral Fool    guildy
Birka 1478 Neutral Fool guildy 64,951,997 3,962