1791 rank

20,334,292 points

16,678 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Urania 1690 the Lawgiver    The Jolly Rottens
Zorskog 1443 Urania 1690 the Lawgiver The Jolly Rottens 128,565,034 38,634
Urania 1690 the Lawgiver    🏆 CHAMPIONS
Cirgard 3632 Urania 1690 the Lawgiver 🏆 CHAMPIONS 46,786,224 18,172
Urania 1690 the Lawgiver   
Carthage 1791 Urania 1690 the Lawgiver 20,334,292 16,678
Urania 1690 the Lawgiver    Random Glitch
Yorkton 10184 Urania 1690 the Lawgiver Random Glitch 879,902 3,301