2389 rank

12,294,847 points

7,233 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perception    Wayward Warriors
Mount Killmore 561 Perception Wayward Warriors 624,169,754 393,522
Perception    Wrecking Crew
Arvahall 4048 Perception Wrecking Crew 58,669,484 28,507
Perception    ⚔️ Outlanders ⚔️
Carthage 2389 Perception ⚔️ Outlanders ⚔️ 12,294,847 7,233
Perception    Just 4 the fun of it
Rugnir 5779 Perception Just 4 the fun of it 10,849,420 6,678
Perception    The Celtic Warriors
Birka 3629 Perception The Celtic Warriors 10,828,863 8,245
Perception    Just 4 Fun
Angkor 5142 Perception Just 4 Fun 10,564,673 6,679