4100 rank

2,234,793 points

7,558 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Letonia    Word of the Wise
Dunarsund 5101 Letonia Word of the Wise 21,711,609 23,798
Letonia    Super Bunny
Noarsil 4534 Letonia Super Bunny 21,620,273 16,159
Letonia    BMF
East-Nagach 5188 Letonia BMF 19,949,532 18,356
Letonia    Real life adventures
Uceria 5696 Letonia Real life adventures 11,051,209 15,151
Letonia    Quantum Force
Qunrir 6191 Letonia Quantum Force 8,620,289 32,047
Letonia    Kastaways
Walstrand 6183 Letonia Kastaways 6,797,070 9,585
Letonia    Just to Play
Yorkton 6324 Letonia Just to Play 6,716,555 9,263
Letonia    Paranoid Android
Sinerania 6550 Letonia Paranoid Android 6,263,095 9,001
Letonia    The Beginners
Zorskog 6115 Letonia The Beginners 6,232,595 9,695
Letonia    King’s Guard
Vingrid 6772 Letonia King’s Guard 6,124,940 10,074
Letonia    💣🪖War Room🪖💣
Dilmun 2175 Letonia 💣🪖War Room🪖💣 6,097,623 13,133
Letonia    At Your Leisure
Tuulech 6605 Letonia At Your Leisure 5,916,448 9,694
Letonia    Helping Hands
Xyr 8366 Letonia Helping Hands 3,418,065 9,889
Letonia    Infinity
Carthage 4100 Letonia Infinity 2,234,793 7,558
Letonia    Ancestral Conclave
Arvahall 12001 Letonia Ancestral Conclave 1,897,265 6,269
Letonia    Stranger Things
Birka 6185 Letonia Stranger Things 1,618,514 7,024
Letonia    Metaphysic StarGate
Cirgard 11397 Letonia Metaphysic StarGate 1,009,393 5,854
Letonia    Artistes Respite
Greifental 10924 Letonia Artistes Respite 889,359 4,859
Letonia    Warrior's Pride
Brisgard 13106 Letonia Warrior's Pride 814,040 5,378
Letonia    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 16562 Letonia New Phoenix 134,068 334
Letonia    slow play
Jaims 15290 Letonia slow play 127,145 367