1978 rank

10,200,714 points

16,437 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Valentine Keller    Fighting Unicorns
Sinerania 2187 Valentine Keller Fighting Unicorns 74,281,581 123,720
Valentine Keller    ĦØỮŞ€ Ø₣ PΔIŇ
Carthage 1978 Valentine Keller ĦØỮŞ€ Ø₣ PΔIŇ 10,200,714 16,437
Valentine Keller    Avalon of Old
Yorkton 6126 Valentine Keller Avalon of Old 6,592,942 10,415
Valentine Keller    Perpetual Haefen
Xyr 7348 Valentine Keller Perpetual Haefen 5,172,264 5,835
Valentine Keller    Blue Moon Rising
Fel Dranghyr 7809 Valentine Keller Blue Moon Rising 4,318,421 5,319