2264 rank

12,983,599 points

19,146 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Valentine Keller    Fighting Unicorns
Sinerania 1544 Valentine Keller Fighting Unicorns 173,757,700 169,234
Valentine Keller   
Carthage 2264 Valentine Keller 12,983,599 19,146
Valentine Keller    DireWolves
Yorkton 6272 Valentine Keller DireWolves 7,441,020 10,838
Valentine Keller    Arcane of Insane
Xyr 7105 Valentine Keller Arcane of Insane 6,409,724 7,212
Valentine Keller    Arcane of Insane
Fel Dranghyr 7505 Valentine Keller Arcane of Insane 5,770,089 7,276