3787 rank

3,638,402 points

5,951 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kalliope 2750 the Mighty   
Dunarsund 7421 Kalliope 2750 the Mighty 7,998,928 21,339
Kalliope 2750 the Mighty    FORGE ON
Carthage 3787 Kalliope 2750 the Mighty FORGE ON 3,638,402 5,951
Kalliope 2750 the Mighty   
Mount Killmore 9032 Kalliope 2750 the Mighty 3,594,589 5,553
Kalliope 2750 the Mighty    Knights of Cyndonia
Rugnir 8867 Kalliope 2750 the Mighty Knights of Cyndonia 1,782,075 4,381