5249 rank

998,223 points

1,017 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roderic 1278 the Spider    Wild Kittens
Langendorn 7167 Roderic 1278 the Spider Wild Kittens 5,402,347 1,626
Roderic 1278 the Spider    Draconis Combine
Rugnir 9090 Roderic 1278 the Spider Draconis Combine 1,553,274 1,272
Roderic 1278 the Spider    Riders on the Storm
Cirgard 10863 Roderic 1278 the Spider Riders on the Storm 1,273,187 1,173
Roderic 1278 the Spider   
Carthage 5249 Roderic 1278 the Spider 998,223 1,017