3049 rank

6,267,312 points

2,096 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Issac the apple   
Parkog 6121 Issac the apple 8,327,475 2,243
Issac the apple   
Carthage 3049 Issac the apple 6,267,312 2,096
Issac the apple   
Arvahall 9374 Issac the apple 5,711,100 2,111
Issac the apple   
Houndsmoor 8018 Issac the apple 5,345,317 2,215
Issac the apple   
Odhrorvar 7053 Issac the apple 5,076,741 1,952
Issac the apple   
Langendorn 7341 Issac the apple 4,921,034 1,959
Issac the apple    Popeye's Club House
Rugnir 7158 Issac the apple Popeye's Club House 4,758,744 6,479
Issac the apple   
Noarsil 7678 Issac the apple 3,668,134 1,513
Issac the apple   
Jaims 11574 Issac the apple 611,788 649
Issac the apple   
East-Nagach 14929 Issac the apple 217,728 248
Issac the apple   
Yorkton 18274 Issac the apple 34,913 94