10493 rank

78,341 points

285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Chasecat3    NotMyMain
Korch 10927 Chasecat3 NotMyMain 802,318 1,225
Chasecat3    Castle Dwellers VI
Mount Killmore 12928 Chasecat3 Castle Dwellers VI 648,455 1,020
Chasecat3    The white Lotus
Birka 9829 Chasecat3 The white Lotus 227,906 417
Chasecat3    The Illuminati
Sinerania 14970 Chasecat3 The Illuminati 88,408 234
Chasecat3    Valhalla0304
Carthage 10493 Chasecat3 Valhalla0304 78,341 285
Chasecat3    Brewhouse
Qunrir 15645 Chasecat3 Brewhouse 67,081 191