12828 rank

30,130 points

8 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
King Fonzie    coffee lover🧋
Yorkton 15267 King Fonzie coffee lover🧋 104,383 53
King Fonzie    John 3:16 Guild
Rugnir 15141 King Fonzie John 3:16 Guild 86,626 18
King Fonzie    The Devil Dogs
Sinerania 15715 King Fonzie The Devil Dogs 61,182 25
King Fonzie    Just play
Houndsmoor 18829 King Fonzie Just play 49,923 10
King Fonzie    The Pirate Queen
Arvahall 23015 King Fonzie The Pirate Queen 47,797 38
King Fonzie    Twinkletoes
Carthage 12828 King Fonzie Twinkletoes 30,130 8
King Fonzie    Ghostriders
Greifental 18400 King Fonzie Ghostriders 29,543 16
King Fonzie   
Mount Killmore 21820 King Fonzie 24,689 18