13136 rank

26,397 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maria 1857 the Sly    SOLIDARITY
Jaims 14304 Maria 1857 the Sly SOLIDARITY 180,759 424
Maria 1857 the Sly    uzi
Qunrir 14365 Maria 1857 the Sly uzi 117,523 238
Maria 1857 the Sly    Existentialist
Walstrand 14141 Maria 1857 the Sly Existentialist 103,407 195
Maria 1857 the Sly    New Forgers
Parkog 14524 Maria 1857 the Sly New Forgers 103,189 169
Maria 1857 the Sly    Diamond Farms
Langendorn 15806 Maria 1857 the Sly Diamond Farms 68,764 181
Maria 1857 the Sly    Hobbus diosito mb
Korch 16589 Maria 1857 the Sly Hobbus diosito mb 66,152 103
Maria 1857 the Sly    California Era 20
Uceria 15897 Maria 1857 the Sly California Era 20 61,715 104
Maria 1857 the Sly    ge fan
Tuulech 15620 Maria 1857 the Sly ge fan 55,266 97
Maria 1857 the Sly    Sola fide
Odhrorvar 15988 Maria 1857 the Sly Sola fide 50,384 46
Maria 1857 the Sly    MAYHEM
Birka 12961 Maria 1857 the Sly MAYHEM 48,372 29
Maria 1857 the Sly    🌸 Prairie Rose🌸
Noarsil 16667 Maria 1857 the Sly 🌸 Prairie Rose🌸 42,584 67
Maria 1857 the Sly    paro
Yorkton 17785 Maria 1857 the Sly paro 39,666 89
Maria 1857 the Sly    Rose 🌹 💐
Mount Killmore 20809 Maria 1857 the Sly Rose 🌹 💐 36,886 78
Maria 1857 the Sly    Schlacht_Hof_Funf
Angkor 17151 Maria 1857 the Sly Schlacht_Hof_Funf 32,218 56
Maria 1857 the Sly    1700camaro
Sinerania 17318 Maria 1857 the Sly 1700camaro 30,398 47
Maria 1857 the Sly    Good time fun kids
Dilmun 9058 Maria 1857 the Sly Good time fun kids 27,417 63
Maria 1857 the Sly    Royal Flush
Carthage 13136 Maria 1857 the Sly Royal Flush 26,397 45