9542 rank

121,343 points

164 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Carl The Conqueror    Toast to randomness
Zorskog 12046 Carl The Conqueror Toast to randomness 311,670 164
Carl The Conqueror    Extremely Casual
Dilmun 6000 Carl The Conqueror Extremely Casual 183,273 214
Carl The Conqueror   
Xyr 15668 Carl The Conqueror 161,905 205
Carl The Conqueror   
Mount Killmore 16800 Carl The Conqueror 156,633 211
Carl The Conqueror    All For Fun
Carthage 9542 Carl The Conqueror All For Fun 121,343 164
Carl The Conqueror   
Angkor 14499 Carl The Conqueror 98,180 186