1598 rank

25,072,753 points

5,149 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dog Day    Let the big dogs eat
Dilmun 1067 Dog Day Let the big dogs eat 30,328,845 5,229
Dog Day    Reigning Chaos
Rugnir 4154 Dog Day Reigning Chaos 27,045,301 4,873
Dog Day    Middle Earth
Arvahall 5755 Dog Day Middle Earth 25,795,107 5,173
Dog Day    Angkor’s Dragons
Angkor 3503 Dog Day Angkor’s Dragons 25,574,585 5,063
Dog Day    Targarian Army
Carthage 1598 Dog Day Targarian Army 25,072,753 5,149
Dog Day    TradersOnly
Birka 2469 Dog Day TradersOnly 25,054,307 4,873
Dog Day    The Ring of Power!
East-Nagach 4944 Dog Day The Ring of Power! 24,816,050 5,009
Dog Day    Lions Under 7th Sun
Walstrand 4057 Dog Day Lions Under 7th Sun 23,830,502 5,032
Dog Day    Order of the Dragon
Houndsmoor 4943 Dog Day Order of the Dragon 23,818,989 4,995