774 rank

63,938,643 points

46,579 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sammy the Determined    Legion of Wolves
Carthage 774 Sammy the Determined Legion of Wolves 63,938,643 46,579
Sammy the Determined    Warriors of Chaos
Odhrorvar 4571 Sammy the Determined Warriors of Chaos 20,575,363 37,035
Sammy the Determined    Big Dog Patrol
Korch 5004 Sammy the Determined Big Dog Patrol 17,866,987 30,856
Sammy the Determined    Knights of the Spork
Mount Killmore 7728 Sammy the Determined Knights of the Spork 6,636,785 14,890
Sammy the Determined   
Zorskog 6848 Sammy the Determined 4,253,760 8,543