5778 rank

537,839 points

649 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
freakythe nerd    Circle of Roses
East-Nagach 742 freakythe nerd Circle of Roses 357,040,740 74,752
freakythe nerd    Beer Drinkers Guild
Mount Killmore 6018 freakythe nerd Beer Drinkers Guild 12,117,435 5,113
freakythe nerd    big block 454
Dunarsund 6119 freakythe nerd big block 454 11,998,683 3,411
freakythe nerd    aqua knights
Uceria 6312 freakythe nerd aqua knights 7,625,601 2,746
freakythe nerd    The United
Xyr 6741 freakythe nerd The United 6,681,381 2,331
freakythe nerd    Asgard
Greifental 7223 freakythe nerd Asgard 5,862,441 1,797
freakythe nerd    American Right
Cirgard 8100 freakythe nerd American Right 4,353,086 1,500
freakythe nerd    Catacomb christians
Walstrand 7024 freakythe nerd Catacomb christians 3,823,441 1,400
freakythe nerd    Comfort Quail
Vingrid 8559 freakythe nerd Comfort Quail 2,096,074 1,309
freakythe nerd    The Dead Monkey
Angkor 7763 freakythe nerd The Dead Monkey 1,966,615 1,088
freakythe nerd    PDF
Fel Dranghyr 10326 freakythe nerd PDF 1,294,302 928
freakythe nerd    Brave Chameleon
Birka 6539 freakythe nerd Brave Chameleon 1,152,419 765
freakythe nerd    Real Foo Fighters
Brisgard 13048 freakythe nerd Real Foo Fighters 819,757 558
freakythe nerd    The 2600
Carthage 5778 freakythe nerd The 2600 537,839 649
freakythe nerd    Taco Tuesdays 🌮
Korch 14067 freakythe nerd Taco Tuesdays 🌮 243,998 421
freakythe nerd    LOBO
Langendorn 13964 freakythe nerd LOBO 204,480 399
freakythe nerd    the guild
Odhrorvar 17287 freakythe nerd the guild 42,298 122