3166 rank

6,230,769 points

14,761 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Poopswella the Sweet    Exit 2 Snapped
Yorkton 640 Poopswella the Sweet Exit 2 Snapped 470,978,595 327,467
Poopswella the Sweet    Leather and Lace
Mount Killmore 3125 Poopswella the Sweet Leather and Lace 63,961,372 51,646
Poopswella the Sweet    Whatchacallit
Carthage 3166 Poopswella the Sweet Whatchacallit 6,230,769 14,761
Poopswella the Sweet   
Vingrid 9645 Poopswella the Sweet 1,236,001 1,725
Poopswella the Sweet   
Greifental 10950 Poopswella the Sweet 868,273 3,264