1557 rank

14,171,599 points

5,949 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Trudeau the Dire    Trade Federation
Qunrir 1239 Trudeau the Dire Trade Federation 220,281,405 36,945
Trudeau the Dire    Savage Intent
Yorkton 1469 Trudeau the Dire Savage Intent 140,418,839 21,354
Trudeau the Dire    STALKERS
Cirgard 1893 Trudeau the Dire STALKERS 139,455,268 20,944
Trudeau the Dire    Empire of winter sun
Greifental 3381 Trudeau the Dire Empire of winter sun 49,265,090 10,770
Trudeau the Dire    Cup O’ Coffee ☕️
Dilmun 1557 Trudeau the Dire Cup O’ Coffee ☕️ 14,171,599 5,949