8103 rank

45,708 points

67 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brandl the Bold    Dacia
Houndsmoor 17183 Brandl the Bold Dacia 97,255 60
Brandl the Bold    U.S.A
Birka 12176 Brandl the Bold U.S.A 69,844 89
Brandl the Bold    Just chill out
Fel Dranghyr 17321 Brandl the Bold Just chill out 59,362 95
Brandl the Bold    Metric Royal
Jaims 16918 Brandl the Bold Metric Royal 56,843 74
Brandl the Bold    RoyalGuards
Carthage 11374 Brandl the Bold RoyalGuards 52,734 74
Brandl the Bold    Valor
Dilmun 8103 Brandl the Bold Valor 45,708 67