2756 rank

4,176,499 points

11,073 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Supremus the Helpful   
Yorkton 494 Supremus the Helpful 617,275,427 146,399
Supremus the Helpful   
Sinerania 4378 Supremus the Helpful 22,949,719 11,640
Supremus the Helpful   
Dilmun 2756 Supremus the Helpful 4,176,499 11,073
Supremus the Helpful   
Rugnir 7511 Supremus the Helpful 4,003,366 3,904
Supremus the Helpful   
Odhrorvar 7672 Supremus the Helpful 3,501,610 4,069
Supremus the Helpful   
Houndsmoor 10529 Supremus the Helpful 1,559,047 2,847