7128 rank

99,718 points

61 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
thorth    Guild of Thorth
Xyr 14548 thorth Guild of Thorth 257,701 100
thorth    Guild of Thorth
Walstrand 12357 thorth Guild of Thorth 252,483 194
thorth    Thorth Thunder
East-Nagach 15006 thorth Thorth Thunder 205,950 80
Noarsil 13756 thorth 160,897 62
thorth    Guild of Thorth
Odhrorvar 13968 thorth Guild of Thorth 130,103 58
thorth    Guild of Thorth
Angkor 14074 thorth Guild of Thorth 120,450 69
Dilmun 7128 thorth 99,718 61
Arvahall 22001 thorth 67,199 57