268 rank

176,988,895 points

113,580 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Domitia 1506 the Daring   
Dilmun 268 Domitia 1506 the Daring 176,988,895 113,580
Domitia 1506 the Daring   
Birka 809 Domitia 1506 the Daring 159,627,351 100,728
Domitia 1506 the Daring    Me Myself & Irene
Angkor 1396 Domitia 1506 the Daring Me Myself & Irene 132,964,940 71,701
Domitia 1506 the Daring    Warrior Cooks
Jaims 5584 Domitia 1506 the Daring Warrior Cooks 13,812,021 12,983
Domitia 1506 the Daring   
Carthage 2826 Domitia 1506 the Daring 8,576,768 23,136