2936 rank

3,006,936 points

5,766 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophie64    ARYOBARZAN
Arvahall 7285 Sophie64 ARYOBARZAN 13,553,656 5,037
Sophie64    Flecks Fantasty
Dunarsund 6414 Sophie64 Flecks Fantasty 12,630,143 5,040
Sophie64    Foodies
Greifental 7075 Sophie64 Foodies 7,146,607 4,594
Sophie64    Morphius
Angkor 6040 Sophie64 Morphius 6,223,824 6,329
Sophie64    DownSouth
Zorskog 6289 Sophie64 DownSouth 5,964,946 8,325
Sophie64    Tar Valon
Parkog 6763 Sophie64 Tar Valon 5,836,721 8,002
Sophie64    SEAMEN
Walstrand 6578 Sophie64 SEAMEN 5,660,572 7,835
Sophie64    A Team
Yorkton 6940 Sophie64 A Team 5,191,269 8,654
Sophie64    Gigglepuddists
Xyr 7776 Sophie64 Gigglepuddists 4,723,136 8,900
Sophie64    impaled forest
Jaims 7692 Sophie64 impaled forest 4,668,881 5,358
Sophie64    OneLove
Cirgard 8242 Sophie64 OneLove 4,657,780 6,173
Sophie64    RexCrudelis
Vingrid 7384 Sophie64 RexCrudelis 4,450,283 6,418
Sophie64    Vanguard
Birka 4946 Sophie64 Vanguard 4,230,986 7,463
Sophie64    Sanctuary
Qunrir 7577 Sophie64 Sanctuary 3,963,379 5,641
Sophie64    hell raisers
Noarsil 7658 Sophie64 hell raisers 3,788,975 5,830
Sophie64    G.O.A.T's
Mount Killmore 8999 Sophie64 G.O.A.T's 3,677,660 4,599
Sophie64    drunken huntsmen
Carthage 3797 Sophie64 drunken huntsmen 3,562,290 5,291
Sophie64    GE Guild Expedition
Fel Dranghyr 8414 Sophie64 GE Guild Expedition 3,496,869 5,061
Sophie64    Hurricanes
Brisgard 9704 Sophie64 Hurricanes 3,493,748 6,007
Sophie64    Mine
Odhrorvar 7752 Sophie64 Mine 3,307,794 5,531
Sophie64    Freedom Kingdom
Tuulech 7703 Sophie64 Freedom Kingdom 3,109,511 7,080
Sophie64    The Dusk Raiders
Dilmun 2936 Sophie64 The Dusk Raiders 3,006,936 5,766
Sophie64    SW-Florida
East-Nagach 9125 Sophie64 SW-Florida 2,932,472 4,519
Sophie64    Muzik Lovers's
Rugnir 8030 Sophie64 Muzik Lovers's 2,901,293 5,184
Sophie64    Woodworkers Unite
Houndsmoor 9310 Sophie64 Woodworkers Unite 2,859,234 5,331
Sophie64    Legends of the World
Langendorn 8269 Sophie64 Legends of the World 2,851,898 3,998
Sophie64    Inclusive
Uceria 8191 Sophie64 Inclusive 2,840,456 4,699
Sophie64    Shangrila
Sinerania 7916 Sophie64 Shangrila 2,785,607 4,697
Sophie64    BRD
Korch 8602 Sophie64 BRD 2,644,509 3,923