4573 rank

426,390 points

238 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tjungle2    FOR đź’˘fathers
Brisgard 8136 tjungle2 FOR đź’˘fathers 6,570,828 680
tjungle2    Caribbean Pirates
Fel Dranghyr 7310 tjungle2 Caribbean Pirates 6,087,892 568
tjungle2    Useless Bunch
Qunrir 6835 tjungle2 Useless Bunch 6,026,554 568
tjungle2    Not the Droids
Sinerania 6947 tjungle2 Not the Droids 4,939,825 584
tjungle2    &Beyond
Carthage 5020 tjungle2 &Beyond 1,060,095 346
tjungle2    In Memoria Christi
Dilmun 4573 tjungle2 In Memoria Christi 426,390 238