1236 rank

23,874,359 points

4,440 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Castor 1347 the Warrior    greatDane
East-Nagach 4801 Castor 1347 the Warrior greatDane 26,351,757 5,804
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Great Dane
Mount Killmore 4820 Castor 1347 the Warrior Great Dane 25,468,149 4,591
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Dilmun 1236 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 23,874,359 4,440
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Greatdane
Jaims 4512 Castor 1347 the Warrior Greatdane 23,756,702 4,209
Castor 1347 the Warrior    Gorams
Fel Dranghyr 4893 Castor 1347 the Warrior Gorams 21,412,529 4,729
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Rugnir 4512 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 21,225,057 4,324
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Sinerania 4475 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 20,880,590 4,308
Castor 1347 the Warrior    DaneGreat
Xyr 4748 Castor 1347 the Warrior DaneGreat 19,379,751 3,752
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GreatDane
Tuulech 4616 Castor 1347 the Warrior GreatDane 19,128,807 3,839
Castor 1347 the Warrior    GoDodgers
Walstrand 4443 Castor 1347 the Warrior GoDodgers 18,649,915 4,066