2940 rank

2,997,974 points

2,158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eimie28    NetherRealm
Arvahall 10349 Eimie28 NetherRealm 3,931,798 2,244
Dilmun 2940 Eimie28 BUILDERS & WARRIORS 2,997,974 2,158
Eimie28    The Island Natives
Langendorn 8408 Eimie28 The Island Natives 2,625,257 2,068
Eimie28    Wapititty
Brisgard 10418 Eimie28 Wapititty 2,492,512 1,414
Eimie28    ✨✨Treasury Inc.✨✨
Carthage 4309 Eimie28 ✨✨Treasury Inc.✨✨ 2,161,475 1,386
Eimie28    Just Play
Cirgard 9800 Eimie28 Just Play 2,083,705 1,441
Eimie28    coolguild
Fel Dranghyr 10993 Eimie28 coolguild 937,884 869
Eimie28    Highlander
Dunarsund 12178 Eimie28 Highlander 833,502 1,144
Eimie28    Defiant Rebels
East-Nagach 12176 Eimie28 Defiant Rebels 678,526 994
Eimie28    Uncle Sam's Misguide
Greifental 14219 Eimie28 Uncle Sam's Misguide 194,647 357