Rank Name
1 Uranius 599 the White
1 Uranius 599 the White
2 goldenwarhammer
2 goldenwarhammer
3 spelunker54
3 spelunker54
4 Kevin 907
4 Kevin 907
5 Jerseph the Brave
5 Jerseph the Brave
6 metalhead123
6 metalhead123
7 Kentworth
7 Kentworth
8 Cub65
8 Cub65
9 Van Auken
9 Van Auken
10 Barnabus2
10 Barnabus2
11 Epicurus 920 the Red
11 Epicurus 920 the Red
12 GreatStoneCross
12 GreatStoneCross
13 BlueKnight53
13 BlueKnight53
14 Mad Dog Morgan
14 Mad Dog Morgan
15 J-Dub
15 J-Dub
16 Frelaras
16 Frelaras
17 huplala
17 huplala
18 Mirri the Wise
18 Mirri the Wise
19 Ranger825
19 Ranger825
20 Chuck the Hunter
20 Chuck the Hunter
21 Ptolemy 814 the Strong
21 Ptolemy 814 the Strong
22 Liannon
22 Liannon
23 Castor 1078 the White
23 Castor 1078 the White
24 AuraIblis
24 AuraIblis
25 TGRAH006
25 TGRAH006
26 Nikolai Phipsovsky III
26 Nikolai Phipsovsky III
27 dcdub375
27 dcdub375
28 Captain black beard
28 Captain black beard
29 Junebug.Alwayz85
29 Junebug.Alwayz85
30 Dangerousdano62
30 Dangerousdano62
31 58Cruiser
31 58Cruiser
32 coach kord
32 coach kord
33 Red Cap Boy
33 Red Cap Boy
34 meyouandsomebodyelse
34 meyouandsomebodyelse
35 CashForCrypto
35 CashForCrypto
37 66Reaper66
37 66Reaper66
38 Warhammer223
38 Warhammer223
39 Cybele 2064 the Spider
39 Cybele 2064 the Spider
40 Lord Kang
40 Lord Kang
41 Ohnarklol
41 Ohnarklol
42 ElricXXX
42 ElricXXX
43 dude692
43 dude692
44 Dracov the nasty
44 Dracov the nasty
45 Ragnar6969
45 Ragnar6969
46 Geoffreaux
46 Geoffreaux
47 Uroshkg80
47 Uroshkg80
48 SummerBedevere
48 SummerBedevere
49 Michael D
49 Michael D
50 Foonste
50 Foonste
52 charleson1234thefakeone
52 charleson1234thefakeone
53 Julia210896
53 Julia210896
54 Awj hulse
54 Awj hulse
55 Kraig2
55 Kraig2
56 WinterGimpy
56 WinterGimpy
57 MynameisWhat
57 MynameisWhat
58 Irahh Varis
58 Irahh Varis
59 kara5643
59 kara5643
60 XxdemonkillaXXX10
60 XxdemonkillaXXX10
61 Xerxes 1390 the Hawk
61 Xerxes 1390 the Hawk
62 arnould
62 arnould
63 Uranius 874 the Wrathful
63 Uranius 874 the Wrathful
64 Kinstar
64 Kinstar
65 Arlene83Grant
65 Arlene83Grant
66 zottyquick
66 zottyquick
67 Pyrrhos 1585 the Cruel
67 Pyrrhos 1585 the Cruel
68 Adam Black-rose
68 Adam Black-rose
69 RealKbeckett
69 RealKbeckett
70 Tiberius 1948 the Hunter
70 Tiberius 1948 the Hunter
71 patrickHigh123
71 patrickHigh123
72 Pijah2009
72 Pijah2009
73 Player855257876
73 Player855257876

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.