10341 rank

1,541,835 points

2,263 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Damocles 521 the Mighty    🎆 Fireworks Up 🎇
Walstrand 396 Damocles 521 the Mighty 🎆 Fireworks Up 🎇 481,466,726 356,907
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Knights Uprising
Birka 769 Damocles 521 the Mighty Knights Uprising 114,472,865 154,183
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Henry's Haven
Zorskog 4990 Damocles 521 the Mighty Henry's Haven 9,735,881 14,307
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Phoenicians of Tyre
Carthage 2205 Damocles 521 the Mighty Phoenicians of Tyre 8,381,355 12,036
Damocles 521 the Mighty    ⚡️Stormriders⚡️
Yorkton 5673 Damocles 521 the Mighty ⚡️Stormriders⚡️ 8,177,704 11,695
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Condottieri Taverna
Dunarsund 7589 Damocles 521 the Mighty Condottieri Taverna 6,427,932 6,178
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Not Diamonds
Fel Dranghyr 8777 Damocles 521 the Mighty Not Diamonds 2,614,984 3,231
Damocles 521 the Mighty    XXY
Xyr 9063 Damocles 521 the Mighty XXY 2,369,328 3,049
Damocles 521 the Mighty    The Golden Dragon
Mount Killmore 9997 Damocles 521 the Mighty The Golden Dragon 2,070,183 4,713
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Best Members Only
Arvahall 12225 Damocles 521 the Mighty Best Members Only 1,624,286 2,671
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Mercenaries
Cirgard 10341 Damocles 521 the Mighty Mercenaries 1,541,835 2,263
Damocles 521 the Mighty    The Cleaners
Angkor 8286 Damocles 521 the Mighty The Cleaners 1,522,877 1,615
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Serenity
Noarsil 9626 Damocles 521 the Mighty Serenity 1,222,657 1,134
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Just for fun
Odhrorvar 9557 Damocles 521 the Mighty Just for fun 1,179,855 989
Damocles 521 the Mighty    The Corbettite Order
Tuulech 9636 Damocles 521 the Mighty The Corbettite Order 1,056,932 930
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Dragon Lords
Vingrid 10150 Damocles 521 the Mighty Dragon Lords 1,013,149 1,612
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Arianna's Diamonds
Uceria 10516 Damocles 521 the Mighty Arianna's Diamonds 875,812 1,044
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Runs w/ Scissors ✂️
Sinerania 10571 Damocles 521 the Mighty Runs w/ Scissors ✂️ 748,749 747
Damocles 521 the Mighty    Reigning Chaos
Rugnir 10821 Damocles 521 the Mighty Reigning Chaos 716,743 775